Feminism Valentine's Day and Why You Are Single

Valentine’s Day is about romance. It’s about paying tribute to an institution that celebrates the custom of romantic love, courtship and the time-honored tradition of chivalry.

That seems to be a very tired concept for a lot of people these days. So it makes perfect sense these very same people don’t possess the taste and decorum to appreciate it. In fact, they dread it, detest it and would vote to outlaw and banish it along with the rest of the sheepish herd advocating a mob mentality of relationship martyrdom.

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It makes single people feel justifiably “powerful” to vilify Valentine’s Day en masse all the while knowing they’d roll over and assume the position of a yellow-bellied hypocrite if they just had someone to share it with. I know because I used to cater to this lonely self-defeating BS myself. And I find it no sheer coincidence that every Valentine’s Day I ever spent single and miserable commensurated with how bitter and no less closer to finding a relationship I truly was.

As a relationship blogger, I read my share of terrible information from single people who want to attract love but are so completely out of touch with the notion of how to embody it.

Instead they are disillusioned and misguided in their approach on “how to have casual sex like a boss” and “how to be single and be a huge angry bitch about it”. And they are mystified and dumbfounded as to why they can’t find a relationship.

I get an earful from man-hating feminist women who are career professionals who don’t even have time for a relationship, who complain and cry insult when a man who is too nice and earns less than they do wants to take them out.

“Where are all the real men?” they ask, while eschewing the fact that nice guy #111 wasn’t hot enough nor a big enough prick to induce a strong visceral attraction because he insists on being gentleman.

They’re single on Valentine’s Day year after year, all alone time and again. But they’ll be blowing the married guy next Tuesday night because he makes her feel special through half-assed texts initiated strictly between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday thru Friday. While the nice guy continues to take a back seat because they’d rather remind him they need a “real man” and would prefer to take refuge playing with the battery-powered high-speed dildo in her nightstand drawer that can get the job done a lot better than he can.

In that case it stands to reason that you are single on Valentine’s Day because after all, you demanded it. Your formidable justification and your power seems to insist on it.

Men don’t want to spend time, money, nor any effort on women who demonstrate they are neither accustomed to nor deserving of it because of their distinct inability to appreciate it. Besides, who needs it when you got your career, your “power”, your money, your unapologetically bad taste in men and all the freedom you want. Who needs a man when you got it all, right?

Too bad all these fantastic accomplishments aren’t keeping you warm at night every day of the year, much less on Valentine’s Day.

I want to thank all the single people who decry with fleeting hormonal passion the tradition of Valentine’s Day. It makes women like me feel proud and secure knowing I don’t have to be among the millions who have lost all sense of what partaking in the slow beautiful tango of a reciprocating meaningful relationship means.

I’ll spare you any Valentine’s Day dating ideas, tips, wisdom and any meandering bellyaching along the lines that Valentine’s Day is evil, disgusting and useless. I’ll instead be celebrating it knowing Valentine’s Day is special to those who value the tradition of fulfilling relationships 365 days a year, sans Valentine’s Day, half-assed texts and worn out dildos.

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